Chrome to introduce voice search features in iOS soon


Google is trying really hard to improve its apps. A few days ago, Chrome for Windows and OS X saw the implementation of voice searches on, and now the company wants to take a step further to make things easier for users of all kinds of platforms, including Apple´s mobile products. Continue reading

Nintendo 64 on iOS – an update

I am a big fan of emulators running on iOS. Thanks to ZodTTD, “that being who makes emulators on the iPhone”; it is possible to play Super Nintendo (with snes4iphone), PlayStation (through psx4iphone) and even Sega Genesis – using the genesis4iphone app – on a jailbroken device. Continue reading

Will HTC Change Mobile Photography With Ultrapixels?

HTC is planning to announce its newest flagship device later this month. Rumored to be named the HTC M7, HTC is hoping to continue its trend of introducing a new and innovative technology in its newest flagship device. The leaked specifications for the handset have indicated that the phone touts a 13 megapixel camera, which would be no slouch on its own, but nothing we haven’t seen before. Continue reading

Play Nintendo games on iPhone´s Safari

With Nintendo adamant it’ll never bring its games to iOS, the only way to enjoy your favorite titles on your iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad is to jailbreak your device and download an emulator. But that’s no longer the case. You can now enjoy more than 100 NES and Game Boy games in your iPhone’s web browser. Continue reading

Double the battery life of your iPhone

Although being able to dramatically change the way Apple’s mobile operating system works by performing a jailbreak on the device is extremely beneficial and can result in a positive way to the user, some iOS device owners have also stated that they have noticed significant downsides to jailbreaking. Continue reading