Update on Nintendo 64 for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch

Super Mario

A while ago, someone asked on the comment section if there anything had happened on the  Nintendo 64 for iOS front.

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Nintendo 64 on iOS – an update

I am a big fan of emulators running on iOS. Thanks to ZodTTD, “that being who makes emulators on the iPhone”; it is possible to play Super Nintendo (with snes4iphone), PlayStation (through psx4iphone) and even Sega Genesis – using the genesis4iphone app – on a jailbroken device. Continue reading

Upload photos to Facebook from Photos app


This new Cydia tweak lets you directly upload photos from the Photos app to your Facebook account. Normally, you’d have to launch the Facebook app and then choose the image to upload. With this tweak, the whole process gets much easier. Continue reading

Get alerts when apps finish downloading


When downloading apps from the App Store, there’s no way to find when the download and installation is complete unless you keep looking at the homescreen. This new Cydia tweak lets you continue what you’re doing and alerts you when the app has finished downloading. Continue reading