Blue Apron has a new cooking app for iPhone and iPad, and it is awesome


Blue Apron has as a new iPhone and iPad app, and I have to say that, based on first impressions, it looks stunning. Continue reading

TripGo, an app for getting around Mexico City and other major cities by public transport


We found out a week ago that Google Maps now displays public transport directions in Mexico City. I know it may not sound like a big deal, but Mexico City is one of the biggest cities in the world – so it´s good to have an alternative way of travelling, other than by car or walking. Continue reading

Bleep, BitTorrent´s new “private” messaging app

Bleep app

You might have heard of BitTorrent, the “leading software company with the fastest torrent client and sync and share software”. Well, add Bleep, “a fun & safe messaging app for private conversations”, to its list of software solutions. Continue reading

LiveiPad: free online movies on your iPad


I just went on the Internet looking for new websites to stream free movies, and to be honest, it is getting quite hard to enjoy content without paying. I guess this has to do with services like Netflix or LoveFilm, where you only have to pay $10 dollars (or your local currency) to enjoy unlimited access to movies and TV series – and avoid spending time looking for bad quality content from unknown sources.

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Chrome to introduce voice search features in iOS soon


Google is trying really hard to improve its apps. A few days ago, Chrome for Windows and OS X saw the implementation of voice searches on, and now the company wants to take a step further to make things easier for users of all kinds of platforms, including Apple´s mobile products. Continue reading

Lo último del cine con Trailers para iPhone


Hablando de apps de la tienda de iTunes de Estados Unidos, Trailers es la app definitiva para los amantes del cine.

Con ella podrás tener acceso a los cortos más recientes de películas que aún ni se estrenan en otros países y lo mejor de todo, en alta definición.

Eso si, ver un corto requiere de una buena conexión a internet, para una experiencia satisfactoria.


Trailers tiene 5 secciones: Cortos, Calendario, Top 25, En Cines y Favoritos, con la posibilidad de filtrar el contenido por género.

La app ya lleva un buen rato en iTunes pero sigue estando disponible de manera exclusiva para Estados Unidos.

Si vives en México por ejemplo, o en cualquier otro país, puedes abrir una cuenta estadounidense sin una tarjeta de crédito para tener acceso a todos los beneficios que tiene contar con un Apple ID de la tienda digital insignia de l manzana.


Para saber como abrirla, haz clic aquí. Ya que la tengas, asegúrate de descargar Trailers para ver cortos de películas como “Hammer of the Gods”, “Stories We Tell” y “Venus and Serena”, todos ellos exclusivos de la app.

Nintendo 64 on iOS – an update

I am a big fan of emulators running on iOS. Thanks to ZodTTD, “that being who makes emulators on the iPhone”; it is possible to play Super Nintendo (with snes4iphone), PlayStation (through psx4iphone) and even Sega Genesis – using the genesis4iphone app – on a jailbroken device. Continue reading