Watch HD movies on your Android device with Popcorn Time


Would you like to watch free HD films on your Android device? Here´s a great app you should check out. Continue reading

LiveiPad: free online movies on your iPad


I just went on the Internet looking for new websites to stream free movies, and to be honest, it is getting quite hard to enjoy content without paying. I guess this has to do with services like Netflix or LoveFilm, where you only have to pay $10 dollars (or your local currency) to enjoy unlimited access to movies and TV series – and avoid spending time looking for bad quality content from unknown sources.

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Get alerts when apps finish downloading


When downloading apps from the App Store, there’s no way to find when the download and installation is complete unless you keep looking at the homescreen. This new Cydia tweak lets you continue what you’re doing and alerts you when the app has finished downloading. Continue reading