Update on Nintendo 64 for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch

Super Mario

A while ago, someone asked on the comment section if there anything had happened on the  Nintendo 64 for iOS front.

Reading ZodTTD’s Twitter wall, we found this:

As you can see, the comment was posted Dec 22. We tried reaching the developer to get an update on n64iOS, but we’re still waiting for an answer:

To refresh your memory: n64ios is a Nintendo 64 emulator for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch available on the Cydia store for $1.99 that was released back in May 2012. The emulator has a major issue, controllers spin uncontrollably once you load a ROM, making it even impossible to select an option to start playing.

n64ios would enable you to play classic Nintendo titles like Smash Bros., Super Mario Bros 64 and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time on an jailbroken Apple mobile device with iOS 5. ZodTTD previously released n64iphone for iPhone 3GS. Apart from solving the controllers problem, an iOS 7 update would be nice too.

Are you waiting for a functional Nintendo 64 emulator on iOS? We sure are, and we’ll keep you posted. Make sure you read EPELTECH for more updates and follow us on YouTube and Twitter.

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