Play Super Nintendo on your browser


Would you like to play Super Nintendo on your browser?

Online emulators come and go, but it looks like this one is here to stay. At least, it has been a round for quite a while – when I say a while, I mean since 2009.

JNES is a Javascript emulator by Ben Firshman that brings the popular console from the 90s to your desktop browser. Although it opens on an iPad or Android phone, JNES doesn’t work properly (the emulator runs, but you can’t use the touch keyboard as controllers), even if the mobile device in question integrates Javascript.


Once you go to the website and choose a ROM – yes, you read right, no need to look online – from a fairly wide selection of titles, including Dr Mario, The Legend of Zelda, Super Mario Bros. and Donkey Kong, you are ready to start playing. ROMs run fast, no lag, and if you don’t like the size of the emulator window, you can zoom to have a better view (although quality gets compromised a bit).

These are the controls:

Captura de pantalla 2014-01-04 a la(s) 11.59.46

It’s a shame there’s no iPad support, but still, desktop users will be happy to know they can rock Mario Bros old school on Safari, Chrome or Firefox.

Read more on emulators here and remember to follow EPELTECH on Twitter and YouTube. If you are a fellow Spanish speaker, you can get the latest tech news, reviews and tutorials in your language at EPNORTECH.

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