iWork for iCloud now available for some users


iWork, Apple´s document creation and edition suite, is now available on the cloud.

With the fall set as the official launch, iWork in the Cloud beta has been available for developers from June 13. Now, selected users will be able to try the online service for free.

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You can have access to Pages, the equivalent to Word; Numbers, an Excel version for Mac; and Keynote, Apple´s take on PowerPoint, on your browser. It doesn´t have to be Safari, or for that matter, a browser on a Mac: users on Chrome, Internet Explorer and PC´s can create documents online at no extra cost.

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All your work will be saved on Apple´s iCloud – you need to activate said feature on your device for iWork in the cloud to work –, so you can continue working on your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch on their respective apps, which by the way are quite pricey – $30 for the entire suite, or $10 each.

It´s not clear whether Apple will charge at some point for its online suite, to follow Microsoft´s subscription approach with Office 365. We´ll just have to wait for the fall to come.

Is iWork in the cloud available for you? Do you like it? Let us know in the comment section below and make sure you subscribe to EPELTECH.

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