Chrome to introduce voice search features in iOS soon


Google is trying really hard to improve its apps. A few days ago, Chrome for Windows and OS X saw the implementation of voice searches on, and now the company wants to take a step further to make things easier for users of all kinds of platforms, including Apple´s mobile products.

Google confirmed through a post on the official Chrome blog that an upcoming update would bring spoken searches to iOS devices.

Apart from being faster and compatible with other apps, the newest version of Chrome for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch – which will be available “over the coming days” – will let users search for something in the Omnibox by using voice commands.

For those of you who don´t know it, the Ominbox is where you can either write a web address or look up a term or phrase; say “EPELTECH” or “Daft Punk latest album”.

Captura de pantalla 2013-05-23 a la(s) 16.28.18

You will have to tap on the microphone icon located in the middle of the screen –above the keyboard – and talk to Chrome, which will show you a red circle similar to the one employed by Google Now. You may even get spoken results.

Here’s what Google says you have to do:

Say your search query aloud and see your results (in some cases spoken back to you), all without typing a single letter.

This comes after Google brought its assistant to iDevices in an attempt to gather more information about their users and employ it to better target ads.

Chrome is available for free in the App Store. Keep an eye on EPELTECH to get the latest update news.

Do you use Chrome? Will you be using voice commands? Let us know in the comment section below.

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