Twitter to launch a music app

Twitter Music

Twitter, one of the most important social networking sites in the world, is said to be preparing to launch a new music app soon – so soon, we may even see it this weekend.

AllThingsD first stated the upcoming service would launch today but then corrected its original article, establishing that the app is to be introduced on Saturday or Sunday. The aforementioned rumor is based on claims made by “sources familiar with the matter”.

According to recent speculations, Twitter Music will let you listen to a wide selection of songs through services such as iTunes and SoundCloud without leaving the app. And if that wasn’t enough, you will be able to watch music videos from Vevo, a product resulting from the partnership between Sony and Universal Music and that could become the biggest music website worldwide. The app will display customized suggestions based on the feeds you follow and other elements from your Twitter account.

In 2012, Twitter acquired We Are Hunted, but it wasn’t until yesterday the social network announced through a tweet it had bought the music recommendation startup, maybe as part of its plan to build this new music app.

According to the rumor, the new service from Twitter could be launched to coincide with the Coachella festival, an event that attracts plenty of people from the industry.

However, some people say the launch may not even happen. According to Josh Constine, writer at TechCrunch, “Twitter launching a music app at Coachella is risky. The festival is chaotic, there’s poor mobile signal, people try to conserve battery life, and there’s a ton of distraction. Amongst the seven stages and wild crowds of 75,000 attendees, it may be difficult to find time to download and use a music discovery app.”

twitter music embed

Up until now, Twitter has not confirmed or denied the launch but to me Coachella seems to be the perfect occasion to launch and promote a music service of this type. Despite the technical complications mentioned by TechCrunch, the app will remain available well after the festival and a promotion on this scale could lead to Twitter’s complete reinvention as a music centered social network.

Do you think Coachella is the right time for this launch? Could it change the face of Twitter? Let us know in the comment section below.

I published this article in iJailbreak.

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