Apple: Google has not submitted Now for iOS


Apple says Google Now for iOS has not been submitted to the App Store.

Despite Google Chairman Eric Schmidt hinting that Apple is playing a role in the approval of a Google Now application for iOS, Apple has told CNET that Google has not even submitted such an app for review for the iOS App Store.

Here are Schmidt’s comments on the matter:

You’ll need to discuss that with Apple” (at around 17:50). “Apple has a policy of approving or disapproving apps that are submitted into its store, and some of them they approve and some of them they don’t,” he went on to say.

A purported promotional video for Google Now for iOS appeared briefly on the web last week (above). It is very similar to the Google Now experience baked into the most recent versions of the Android operating system. It competes with Apple’s Siri in the mobile voice recognition space.

Via 9to5Mac

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