Earn money by trying apps with AppXpert


Earn money by trying iOS apps.

After I wrote an article for iJailbreak about Feature Points, a website that gives vouchers in exchange for trying sponsored apps, someone (by the name of iPhone4SGuy) pointed out to me another service to get free paid content.

It’s called AppXpert, an alternative to Free My Apps that, contrary to it restriction to the US, gives English users 20p ($0.30) for every “investigation”, meaning opening, trying and giving feedback on a sponsored app (I think you may obtain PayPal rewards outside the UK.)

You just have to answer few multiple choice questions, and after 24 hours you will get your reward – you know, AppXpert wants to make sure you did try the app thoroughly.

I downloaded the Hotels.com app, and will have to wait until tomorrow to see if I did it right.

I’ll report back tomorrow…

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