Why did Sony avoid showing the PS4?


Shuhei Yoshida, Sony’s head of worldwide studios, answered to the big question after the PlayStation 4 event: Why didn’t Sony show the actual console?

Before flying from New York to Tokyo after the PS4 event, Yoshida, on an interview with Keith Stuart from The Guardian, took some time to answer to the later – and critical – question.

Sony has been criticised for not actually showing the PlayStation 4 at the launch event. Was this because you wanted to save something for E3 or because you still have six different prototypes on your desk and can’t decide between them?

[Laughs] We have not finalised the hardware yet and decided not to try to get it finished in time. Also, it’s a long time from February to launch, we have to design our communication in phases. Our focus here was to show some games and talk about the key principles – we wanted to save the unveiling of the actual console.

So that’s why folks…

Via: The Guardian

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