ZodTTD to release a new update for his N64 emulator

Captura de pantalla 2013-02-06 a la(s) 16.53.50

After evasi0n’s release, a lot of Cydia tweaks and software must be updated to support iOS 6

Back in May, developer ZodTTD launched n64ios, a new version of the Nintendo 64 emulator, n64iphone, available only for iPhone 3GS. The latest emulator, for all iOS devices, has just one problem: the controllers don’t work properly, making it impossible to play.

Few days later, ZodTTD promised and update to fix the bug, but it was until now when he took over Twitter to let users now he was “pushing hard to release N64IOS”.

Yesterday he tweeted he hopes to release an update sometime next week:

Captura de pantalla 2013-02-06 a la(s) 16.46.54

On Monday, EPELTECH wrote a tweet stating “N64emulatorfix”, a trend started to get the developer’s attention:

Captura de pantalla 2013-02-06 a la(s) 16.32.45

Later, ZodTTD favourited EPELTECH’s tweet:

Captura de pantalla 2013-02-06 a la(s) 16.33.14

It means ZodTTD is really working hard to release an update to get n64ios running smoothly.

Keep reading EPELTECH for more jailbtreak news.

UPDATE: ZodTTD tweeted his emulators are being updated at the moment, so you won’t be able to purchase them:

Captura de pantalla 2013-02-06 a la(s) 17.02.06

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