Clean your Facebook name


Would you like to clean your Facebook name and erase all the profanity/stupid posts from your wall?

You may be entering the professional world, and have to admit your Facebook page can keep you from getting the job you are interviewing for – you should be aware that employers do a background check during an interview process.

Here’s where FaceWash comes in. Still a beta service, FaceWash searches through your Facebook page and erases all posts that include explicit content.

You can do a Preset Dirty Word List, a “list [that] spans a broad spectrum of ‘dirtiness,’ from sex to drugs to curse words and more…”, or your own dirty word list to “input your own words that may not have been covered in our list”.

FaceWash will perform a search and return results in conceptual chunks, for example “Comments posted on your wall” and “Links that you have liked.”

Go to, click on “Get Started” to enjoy a nice wash.

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