OS X Pad HD: Mac experience on iPad

We’re a little bit late to the party on this one, but if you haven’t seen this new OS X Pad HD theme for the iPad, you have to check it out. You’ve seen OS X themes before, but you’ve never seen anything like this.

The theme has a fully functional Finder bar with interactive menu options, a customizable dock, and editable folders that look just like real OS X folders. It almost seems more like a software upgrade than a theme.

The developer claims that OS X Pad HD is “the most advanced Mac OS X experience available for the iPad,” and we’re having a hard time disagreeing. This is certainly one of the most comprehensive Mac-based themes we’ve ever seen.

So how do you get it on your iPad? Well for starters, you have to be jailbroken, and you have to have DreamBoard installed. If you meet those two requirements, add http://fnetdesigns.com/cydia/repo to your Cydia sources and download the Theme Outlet store app. This is where you’ll be able to find and install OS X Pad.

Both DreamBoard and The Theme Outlet store are free downloads, but the theme itself is $3.50. But given the amount of polish and features this particular theme has, it might just be worth it. If you’re skeptical, however, be sure to stay tuned to iDB for a full review. I suspect Jeff will be along soon to work his magic.

What do you think of OS X Pad HD?

Via iDownloadBlog.

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