Play Nintendo games on iPhone´s Safari

With Nintendo adamant it’ll never bring its games to iOS, the only way to enjoy your favorite titles on your iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad is to jailbreak your device and download an emulator. But that’s no longer the case. You can now enjoy more than 100 NES and Game Boy games in your iPhone’s web browser.

As noted by iDownloadBlog, someone has taken it upon themselves to to build an HTML5 website called iGBC, which is packed full with classic Nintendo games that can be enjoyed through almost any mobile browser. It includes some of the most popular Nintendo titles, including Bomberman, Donkey Kong, Kirby’s Dream Land, Pokemon, and of course, Super Mario.

But as you may have predicted, it does come with some caveats. First, it’s not the smoothest gameplay you’ll ever experience. In fact, some titles are are so slow that they’re unplayable. However, other titles like Tetris play… okay, while Pokemon Red plays relatively well — and even saves your progress.

But it’s unclear how long this will stick around. While the games cannot be downloaded, it’s almost certainly illegal to have them online for anyone to play, and so there’s a good chance the site will disappear once Nintendo’s lawyers become wise to it.

Nevertheless, it’s pretty fun while it’s (almost) working. It’s certainly worth checking out, even if its just to experience a few minutes of your favorite childhood game.

Via CultOfMac.

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