Apple gets rid of YouTube in iOS 6


YouTube not included in iOS 6.

Earlier today, Apple pushed out iOS 6 beta 4 to developers. It’s the fourth update to Apple’s latest mobile software, which is expected to become available to the public sometime in September.

Judging by the lengthy change log we’ve been reading through all morning, beta 4 is full of bug fixes and other improvements, and not much else. But we have noticed one notable change…

As pointed out by 9to5Mac, the default YouTube application is missing in the new beta. After hearing this report we checked our own devices with iOS 6 beta 4, and sure enough, it’s gone.

Fear not, apparently the omission has something to do with an expired licensing agreement, and Google is working on a new YouTube app that will be be available in the App Store.

The Verge has Apple’s statement:

Our license to include the YouTube app in iOS has ended, customers can use YouTube in the Safari browser and Google is working on a new YouTube app to be on the App store.”

For the time being, folks on iOS 6 beta 4 can continue to use the YouTube web app in Safari. We’ll be sure to let you know as soon as an official app makes it into the App Store.

Via iDownloadBlog.

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