New Skype enhances mobile video calls

Skype for Mac is much-improved in version 5.8.

Skype has just pushed out its latest update for Mac OS X, which includes a number of enhancements to existing features, as well as support for OS X Mountain Lion. The companypromises that contacts lists, video calls to mobile devices, and screen sharing are all much-improved in version 5.8.

Skype has finally realized that the full-screen user interface it introduced in 5.0 isn’t for everyone, and has now reintroduced the “slim” contacts list, so that users can reposition and resize their contacts as they wish.

Video calls to mobile devices have also been enhanced:

When you’re talking with someone who is using Skype for iPhone, Skype for iPad or Skype for Android and that person rotates their mobile device from portrait to landscape (or the other way around), Skype for Mac will now detect this and automatically re-orient the video call. If you’ve held or plan to hold a video call with someone who is using Skype for Windows Phone, the same auto-rotation feature is already supported.

Screen sharing is also now possible with multiple people, and you also have the ability to stream video as well as photos. “The latest Mac release will simultaneously display your live video alongside your photos, so your friends can also see you and you can see their reactions,” Skype says.

Finally, Skype is now fully compatible Apple’s OS X Mountain Lion release next month, so you won’t need to worry about losing your Skype functionality when you upgrade.

Via Cult Of Mac.

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