Multiple windows open on iPhone


We recently reviewed Quasar, a window manager which enables true multitasking on the iPad.

Quasar is a great interface tweak but its support for iPhone apps is limited. Features like window scaling, fullscreen mode, and landscape rotation only currently work with iPad applications. What’s more, iPhone apps seem to be the most vulnerable to Quasar’s bugs. Luckily there’s an easy fix already available in Cydia.

Regular iPhone apps can’t be rotated in Quasar, making them difficult to use

With FullForce, iPhone apps are not only usable in Quasar, they can be scaled and made fullscreen.

What you will need:

A jailbroken iPad with Cydia installed
Quasar – $9.99
FullForce – FREE


If you don’t already have Quasar, you can find the app in the BigBoss repository on Cydia. It’s currently on the front page but you can also find it by searching for “Quasar”. The app costs $9.99 and the payment is handled by Amazon.

Applying FullForce:

Step 1. If you do not already have the tweak installed, search for “FullForce” in Cydia. Select FullForce.
Step 2. Download FullForce from the tweak’s Cydia page by pressing install. When the installation finishes, respring your iPad. Cydia should do this for you
Step 3. Go into Settings. Find “FullForce” in the section marked “Extensions.”
Step 4. Enable FullForce on any iPhone application which you want to scale, run in landscape mode, or run in fullscreen while using Quasar. The selected apps will run as if they are iPad apps

Note that FullForce doesn’t work perfectly with every iPhone app available. It will take some trial and error to figure out which games will work. Some apps may suffer from graphical glitches, others may have input issues with FullForce. I found that FullForce works passably with about 80% of the apps I’ve tried. The problem cases usually involve older games.

Without FullForce I would only be using Quasar for the few situations that really require it. If you bought Quasar and you want to get your money’s worth, you really should be using FullForce. (And as a side benefit, some apps really work better with FullForce over the iPad’s standard 2X mode.)

Via iJailbreak.

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