Get alerts when apps finish downloading


When downloading apps from the App Store, there’s no way to find when the download and installation is complete unless you keep looking at the homescreen. This new Cydia tweak lets you continue what you’re doing and alerts you when the app has finished downloading.


Download Reminder, a simple new jailbreak tweak will give you an alert when an app that you’re downloading is installed and ready to use. This tweak doesn’t do much, but could be useful when you want to download apps back to back and get alerts as soon as they’re done. You can continue searching the App Store, continue your work and get the alert when the app finishes downloading. If it’s a large app, such as a game, then it’ll be quite useful to get an alert. No settings to be configured, just install, respring and go!

Download Reminder is currently available for free in the ModMyi repo. Install and see whether it works as advertised. Do you think this is a useful tweak?

Via iJailbreak.

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