iOS 5 on older devices


WARNING: Try this at your own risk.

Give new life to your aging iOS devices with Whited00r.

Still using a first-gen iPod Touch or a second-generation iPhone? Sick of all the multi-tasking, home-screen folders and faster performance of all those iOS versions you can’t run on your (frankly embarrassing) old hardware?

Then you might like to give Whited00r 5.1 a try. It’s a custom version of Apple’s official iOS 5, only it’ll run on all iPod Touches and anything after the original iPhone, bringing most of the features of the latest OS. You get multitasking, reminders, a kind of hacked-together iCloud which uses DropBox as its back end, home-screen folders, Newsstand and even custom home-screen backgrounds.

What you don’t get is Notification Center or the App Store.

Whited00r is free, and is installed using iTunes, just as if you were doing a restore of regular Apple software. It is also completely unofficial, and although I haven’t read anything bad about it, putting an entire OS of unknown origins on your phone could obviously be a security risk. Buyer beware and all that.

Whited00r downloads [Whited00r]

UPDATE: Whited00r 5.2 has been released.

Available for iPhone 3G, then will come iPhone 2G firmwares and lastly the iPod Touch 1G.

A quick changelog (not complete):

App Market
Camera Toggle to launch Video Recording
CommCenter Patched again (hope this will solve Tethering Problems)
PostInstall scripts (new/modified)
Cydia updates

Download here.

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