Apple releases iOS security guide


Apple releases security guide.

Apple has been under scrutiny due to security holes found by jailbreakers and Absinthe 2.0, the tool used to unlock iOS devices.

To this, the Cupertino-based company has answered with 20 pages explaining why the iPhone, and for that matter all their devices, are safe to be used in business.

Apple is committed to incorporating proven encryption methods and creating modern mobile-centric privacy and security technologies to ensure that iOS devices can be used with confidence in any personal or corporate environment.

“Absinthe 2.0 works by plugging your device into a computer, without having to activate DFU mode. The exploits used to unlock an iDevice can run arbitrary code, meaning it can be used to run anything as root. Pod2g used the exploits to give iPhone and iPad users control of their own devices, but the exploits are “in the wild” now and can be reverse engineered and used for any purpose”, as iJailbreak explains.

According to iJailbreak, this is not as bad as it sound, but it still can be problematic because “Someone could also write a PC computer virus that then takes control of attached phones (like viruses that spread to USB drives.”

The next picture explains the security system used by Apple:


To read Apple’s full explanation, click here.

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