The top 5 Mexican apps


Mexico, my homeland, has tech potential. There are innovative and creative Mexicans working hard to bring top-quality apps to entertain/inform the world and here we have listed the five most successful ones available for different mobile platforms:

Mariachi Giro – the Mexican version of Guitar Hero (iOS)


Taco Master – Learn the actual ingredients of Mexican food by playing a fun game (iOS)


Tráfico México – Useful if you travel in Mexico City, learn about the traffic situation on the streets of one of the greatest cities of the world 😉 (Android)


Metro y Metrobús de México – This app will show you the way when you travel by public transport in Mexico City (Android)


Tránstito – The rules of transportation in Mexico City (Symbian)


All apps as you may guessed are in Spanish. Let us know what you think about them!

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