Download Samsung Galaxy S III exclusive S-Voice App and install it on other Android ICS devices

WARNING: EPELTECH does not take any responsibility for any damages caused by following this tutorial.

Samsung has released a new app to fight Apple´s Siri.

It is called S Voice and it is possible to download and install the feature on other Android devices running Ice Cream Sandwich. To do so follow these instrctuctions:

1. Copy and paste into system/app
2. Long press S-Voice.apk and press permissions.
3. Set them to:

  • r-w
  • r
  • r

4. Reboot
5. Then in /system/app with root explorer and installing it like a normal app! (thx KonstantinKeller)

Make sure you have Untrusted Sources checked in the Settings app when installing this app.

According to iJailbreak, S Voice:

it’s slow, takes much more steps to get answersand doesn’t recognize speech well

The app was leaked by a member of the XDA-Developers forum as well as Flipboard for Android, another exclusive feature of the Galaxy S III.

You can download the S Voice file for Android here. Let us know if you tried it and if it works on the comment section below.

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