[iOS 5.1 jailbreak update] Take part in jaikbreaker’s poll


iOS hacker pod2g has updated his blog.

The famous hacker of the iOS 5, pod2g, has opened a poll to know the thoughts of jailbreak users. There are three options to choose from in this quick survey:

Poll: Shall we hold off the jailbreak for iOS 6 ?

1. No! Release ASAP and burn 5 exploits
2. iOS 6’s gonna be a challenge. Keep your stuff
3. Where’s my bottle of beer”

At this precise moment, 8, 699 users have chosen the first option, a soon release, compared to 5,534 that want the jailbreak to be saved until the newest version of Apple’s system is released.

What do you think? Don’t forget to vote here. The future of the jailbreak is in your hands.

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