Sara? Did you mean Siri…


What alternatives to Siri do we know already?

You have:

A) Evi

B) Speaktoit Assistant

C) Spire, a tweak that actually brings Siri to your iDevice using an iPhone 4S server

Well prepare yourself for a new assistant that will complete the range of options.

Her name is Sara, and is available for free on Cydia. Here is how to install Sara on your jailbroken device:

1. Open Cydia

2. Add this repo:

3. Look for Sara on Cydia

4. Install it on your iDevice

Sara is compatible with the iPad, iPod Touch and iPhone and has almost the same interface of Siri, though, it is still at its early stages.

You can personalise Sara and tell her to call you daddy, son, mom or sister, ask her who created her and many more things. Make sure you give it a spin!

Follow Sara on Facebook for more update and EPELTECH on YouTube and Twitter for more amazing posts.


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