iBooks Author is here!

iBooks Author

Apple announced on the 19th of February a new tool for the creation of interactive books called iBooks Author. It is thought to be used to create textbooks on a free and open way.

iBooks Author is an application designed for Mac OS X Lion that enables the user to design books with the help of templates, making the process easier tn ever.

You can embed images, videos and 3D models, and add a quick navigation system.

Once developed, books can be exported to great variety of formats  including ePub, the one used by iBooks. Apple´s layout is a variation between HTML5 and ePub3, but with non-standard modifications. The result has to do with a complex HTML5 document, with the difference that, instead of navigating through hundreds of files, iBook’s interface (based on Webkit) scrolls through the interior of the document.

Every iPad can read the new format  used by iBooks 2, the new app available on Apple´s store.

The other part of the revolution is the distribution mode. iBooks Author is free and Apple allows to distribute content created with iBooks Author without a charge as longs as you don´t make a profit.

If you want to sell a book, it has to be sold through the iBooks Store and you have to sign a contract with the enterprise.

All of these has created controversy, something that can change Apple´s mind.

Implications of iBooks Author

First thing to do is to download the software available on the App Store through a Mac computer.

In the past creating books that contained widgets on HTML5 was a challenge and required a great investment in terms of time and money. Now that is a thing of the past, meaning that there will be a boom of these types of publications.

Secondly, Author helps publishers to skip the editorial step of book creation. It has given a hugh step into disintermediation.

Apple has made an important bid. This may damage publishing houses, but in the sector of education iBooks Author will help to expand the selection of content out there.

iBooks Author Features

After downloading the software you can choose from a wide range of templates. These include Basic, Contemporary, modern Type, Classic, Editorial and Craft.

On the right you will find a panel named “Book Outline” where you can start your project adding a book tile, “intro media”, a table of contents and a glossary.

This is proceeded by “Chapter” and “Section” options, where you can easily see the development of your publication.

You can also add tables, charts and widgets such as a gallery, media, a review box,  interactive images and presentations on 3D and an HTML space.

iBooks Author has a thumbnail view, besides the glossary one when the tool is launched. Portrait and Landscape mode is available, plus a feature called “Inspector” where you can see all of these features in one window.

I think the most exciting component is “Preview”. You just connect your iPad and you can see your book as if it were already published.

Hopefully universities will start employing this tool as a way to save students the trouble of getting the material printed, saving money and the environment.

Apple has done it, again.

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